People in recovery helping people recover.

Reuniting families.


Working in partnership with Washoe County Specialty Courts and the Department of Health and Human Services, Tru Vista helps reunite families by helping individuals recover, heal and become the parents they need to be. Tru Vista provides mentorship, guidance and financial support to help them on their journey.

Tru Vista Programs.

Tru Vista offers human touch and empathy to heal and reunite families heal. Through mentorship and targeted financial support, we help parents and children become stable and caring community members.


Our Team.

Tru Vista staff and board coordinate to provide direct services in a timely manner to our clients in Washoe County Specialty Courts.


I’m the judge in the jurisdiction where Crystal Hallock works as a Parent Partner.  I've known her for almost 19 years and her opinion, in our group of stakeholders, is one of the most valuable to me.  She is such a wealth of knowledge and support for our parents in Safe Babies and Family Treatment Court.  I wish every family in the child welfare system could have a Parent Partner assigned to their case.  I think they are instrumental in assisting with parent engagement and serve as huge motivators when they can approach parents with the unique perspective of ‘I've been where you are, I did it, you can do it too.’"

— Judge Dollinger, Washoe County Second Judicial District Court



Feel free to contact us with any questions.
